Key Competencies
The key competencies support the vision of the National Curriculum. NZC describes them as ‘capabilities for living and lifelong learning’. These competencies should be developed and monitored (NZC p 12).
The key competencies in the NZ Curriculum have been identified in isolation. They are:
Relating to Others
Using language, symbols and text
Managing Self
Participating and Contributing
People use these competencies to live, learn, work, and contribute as active members of their communities. More complex than skills, the competencies draw also on knowledge, attitudes, and values in ways that lead to action. They are not separate or stand-alone. They are the key to learning in every learning area. (NZC p 12)
In reality these competencies do not work in isolation. They are woven together in a powerful and inseparable manner.
Rich tasks allow the weaving together of curriculum content and key competencies. When teachers design rich tasks, they bring together concepts/big ideas and aspects of all the key competencies. In order to focus the intended learning, the idea of capabilities can help. A ‘capability’ is demonstrated in action. It is what the student shows they can do - and is willing to do - as a result of their learning. Capabilities remix aspects of all the key competencies and weave them together with important knowledge and skills. (NZCER, Rosemary Hipkins) These capabilities are evident in our own curriculum essence statements (eg think like a Mathematician), our learning model (eg discipline specific vocabulary) and throughout our future skills (eg critical thinking).
Future Skills
The 6 Cs are our take on the key competencies. While the NZ Curriculum recognises the key competencies as “capabilities for living and lifelong learning” (NZC p 12), we recognise our ‘Future Skills’ as the skills our students will need to live and succeed in their future.
These 6 Cs come from the research of Michael Fullan and his ‘Pedagogies for Deeper Learning’ (A Rich Seam).
The Deep Learning Competencies, better known as the 6 C’s, are the skill sets each and every student needs to achieve and excel in, in order to flourish in today’s complex world. (
Character Education (Courage)
Lifelong learners who demonstrate the character traits of...honesty, self-regulation, hard-work, perseverance, empathy, self-confidence and are committed to personal health and well-being. Living our Lepperton PRIDE values.
Understanding the world we live in, both close to home and global. Valuing the diverse people that make up our world, their unique values and views. Developing an awareness of the world’s problems and seeking solutions that enable us to make a positive difference. Eg environmental sustainability
The ability to receive and transmit messages effectively - orally, visually, written and digital. Participate responsibly in our ever-increasing digital world.
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Think critically to design and manage projects, solve problems, make effective decisions using a variety of digital tools and resources. Seek and validate information.
The ability to work in teams, to learn from and with others, social networking skills, empathy in working with diverse others.
Creativity and Imagination
Pursuing economic and social enterprise - exploring what it is to be innovative and entrepreneurial. Being able to ask the questions that lead to unique ideas and turning them into action.