Home & School
We are very lucky to have an awesome Home and School committee at Lepperton School. This is a group of parents who meet about twice a term and help to put together some great fundraising ventures to raise funds for the students of Lepperton School. These funds are invaluable when it comes to ensuring each student has their best possible chance to achieve their true potential at Lepperton School. The committee also helps out in other ways when someone needs a hand. All parents are most welcome to join this committee and ‘do their bit!’ Details about upcoming meetings are normally put in our newsletter or you can ask any staff member and they will point you in the right direction. The staff, students, parents and wider Lepperton community all appreciate the work that the Home and School does.
Home and School Committee
Presidents - Sarah Pritchard & Rebecca Stokes Turner.
Treasurer - Leanne Gibson
Secretary - Ami Tonks
Teacher representatives - Joanne Elliot & Melissa Burleigh
Committee members - Ashleigh Proffitt, Dan Baumann, Hayden Stokell, Brad Squire, Bec Baumann, and Greg Cover.
Yummy Tummy
Every second week at Lepperton School, we have Yummy Tummy. The students bring home an order form and then choose what they would like to have for lunch from the menu provided. The money goes in the small, sealed bag and is put in a container in the class the next day, before the school bell. A group of Mums (and occasionally Dads) collect the orders and cook them up in our own Kai Kitchen situated near the playground. The students pick up their lunch from the Kai Kitchen at 12.30pm. It is a nice treat for students to be able to buy a special lunch from school and all funds raised go straight back to the school to be used to help all students. It is a winner for everyone.
Thanks to the Mums and Dads who put their names down on the roster to help cook. We need the support of our wonderful parents to ensure that our Yummy Tummy days continue to thrive.